-rapida configurazione
-utilizzabile per molti formati di elementi batteria
-compatibile con batterie life,li-ion-li-poly ad altre
-montaggio semplificato senza strumenti particolari
-corrente di bilanciamento programmabile dall'utente
-voltaggio e temperatura di ogni elemento visualizzabile in real time
-cablaggio ridotto
-possibilita' di trasmissione dati con protocollo CAN
-riduzione degli errori dovuti a EMI con algoritmo
-visualizzazione dello stato di carica su display LCD o dispositivo analogico o su palmare/ cellulare con s.o. android .Indicazione dei Km rimasti e /o energia residua disponbile tramite collegamento al sensore tachimetrico.
-cover metallica protetta dall'umidita'
-interfaccia usb-rs 232
-funzioni evolute di alarm per sovraccarico sottoscarica surriscaldamento
con uscite per relais e altri dispositivi.
-funzioni evolute di riduzione della potenza del motore a precisi valori del S.O.C.
-data logger con storico dei dati
-accesso e programmazione controllato da password
-configurazione memorizzabile per facili operazioni di manutenzione e ripristino
-compatibile sia con caricabatterie dotati di interfaccia CAN che analogici con modalita' on-off tramite apposita' uscita per relais.
dati tecnici generali
Supply voltage 8 - 20 V
Power consumption 50 mA
Cell chemistry Any in 2÷4.55 V range
Cell count 2÷255 using serial cell communication, up to 8128 using CAN cell communication
Cell form factor Bolt-on prismatic
Battery pack voltage Up to 2kV (limited by CAN group module isolation voltage)
Cell balancing current Up to 1.5 A
Balancing type Passive/Dissipative
Isolation Optical
Interfaces CAN, Bluetooth, USB, RS-232, basic I/O, Analog
Display Windows Mobile, Android devices
Cell communication Robust digital with forward error correction, or CAN communication using CAN Cell Group Modules
Easy configuration
BMS has various parameters that are configurable by using convenient Emus BMS Control Panel PC software over USB connection: pre-charge, pre-heat, timeouts, cell voltages (min and max allowed, early balancing threshold, allowed disbalance, etc), currents (maximum balancing current, charge modes), cell parameter read interval, etc...
Suitable for different battery cell sizes
Small size of the cell modules and variable length „+“ terminal wire allows installation on the prismatic cells of different sizes.
Tool-less installation
Cell modules can be installed without tools (only a bolt wrench is needed for cell terminals) as cell modules have spring-loaded terminals that allow reliable connection of wires by hand. Pre-cut inter-connection wires are supplied in the shipped package for quicker installation. When connected to Control Unit blinking green LEDs on Cell Modules indicate live communication and allow quick identification of problematic cell connection.
Configurable ballancing current range
Linear zero to max, configurable maximum balancing current – useful to define maximum balancing current and amount of heat dissipated by modules during balancing.
Cell voltage measurement
Real-time bar graph on LCD or PC – useful to detect faulty cells and track battery health, or as general visualisation for advanced users.
Cell temperature measurement
Real-time value on LCD and bar graph on PC – useful for controlling charger and load in high temperatures, for setting charging mode and control of battery heater in cold weather (lithium batteries can‘t be charged below freezing point). Many other BMS systems are not suitable for use in cold environment.
Early cell balancing
Balancing is done while charging, battery pack is in balance when charged – takes no additional time. Many other BMS systems start the balancing only when at least one cell is fully charged and overall charging time is drastically increased (in terms of hours).
Digital one-wire interface between cells
Allows neat and robust installation with lowest count of wires that could break.
Forward Error Correction algorithm
Increases data transfer robustness and drastically reduces possibility of faulty data – data is corrected by Control Unit, even if it arrives with errors caused by high EMI levels.
CAN-equipped charger control
Precise charging process control by setting required charging voltage and current and monitoring actual values. Charger models can be added by software upgrade per request.
When current sensor is used Emus BMS calculates remaining available energy which can be displayed on graphical LCD screen, sent over CAN bus to other devices or sent to analog gauge as pulses or analog voltage of SOC output. It also estimates remaining charge and driving range/time left; on stock fuel gauge: current remaining charge (just like fuel left in the tank).
Current measurement
Dual range isolated sensor for measuring currents up to 1000A in both directions. Dual range allows precise measurement of smaller
currents up to 100A while keeping possibility to measure big currents up to 1000 A with the same sensor. If needed bigger current sensors are available upon request.
Flexible inputs and outputs function mapping
Several functional inputs and output like buzzer output and ignition key input etc. can be remapped for different functions to allow flexible customization for different applications and addition of new functions in future by software upgrade. Inputs and outputs remapping is configured via BMS Control Panel software for PC.
Moisture protection
Control Unit is hermetically sealed to meet IP55 requirements. Internal electronics protected with conformal silicone coating. Cell Module's electronic parts coated with silicone conformal coating protecting circuits from moisture and dust.
USB, RS-232, CAN interface
USB 2.0 compatible, with free, intuitive and easy to use, good quality Emus BMS Control Panel windows application.
RS-232: Periodically sending the working status and parameters which can be received by LCD display or other device. Parameters output format specification is available upon request.
CAN: Used for controlling CAN-capable charger and broadcasting working status and parameters to other devices that could be connected on CAN bus. Broadcasted parameters specification is available upon request.
Battery protection from under-voltage, over-voltage, over-current, overheat, communication loss and leakage
Enhanced BMS safety features allows users to set parameters of BMS for protecting battery cells from abusive usage. For detaled information on parameters configuration, please, refer to Configuration page.
Motor power reduction signal output
If Emus BMS is interfaced to motor controller's throttle input, it can reduce motor's power at low SoC level.
Operation status data and statistics
System accumulates over 50 statistics about BMS operation. General statistics can be cleared by the user to start fresh collection via control panel in configuration access mode.
Protected statistics for battery usage recording
For warranty or similar issues some statistics are secured from actions of users. Secure statistics are battery pack usage history statistics cannot be cleared neither by the user nor by configuration access mode. Special master clear procedure is required if secure statistics need to be cleared.
Events log
For easy monitoring, understanding and troubleshooting of actions of BMS operational events are being recorded. These are presented to a user via Control Panels Statistics menu section Events.
Configuration password protection
Configuration data might be protected from unauthorised changes using password. New funtion allows to set password of BMS Control Unit. The user must be in logged state to be able to set new password. Password must be from 4 to 8 characters long. If empty password is left and confirmed twice then this disables the password.
Configuration Save / Load functions for mass production
Save/Load functions were developed for easy and fast configuration of BMS. It allows system configuration files to be saved and loaded again when needed. It automatically sets the configuration parameters of BMS, sets SoC and/or password (if they were stored in the file) and resets the BMS to work with newly loaded configuration.